This is a hands on body treatment that leaves clients feeling relaxed and renewed. Just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to their health and well-being.
* During the session, it’s best to wear comfortable clothes that allows you to move freely and feel relaxed. Also please make sure your cell phones are turned off and refrain from wearing jewelry, perfumes or oils. Thank you!
Is a technique within the system of Reiki that enables you to preform a Reiki treatment beyond the limitations of time, space and multi-dimensional healing across all incarnations. This is a wonderful, powerful and relaxing way of experiencing a Reiki treatment energetically and from the comfort of your own home or space.
$80 / 1hr
Promotes deep relaxation, relieves stress, promotes better sleep, raises awareness and higher consciousness, activates and repairs DNA, assists to support the body and helps to smoothly integrate with the discomfort of Ascension Acceleration Energies. Assists you emotionally, physically, mentally, energetically, spiritually and improves overall well-being.
$80 / 1 hr ~ $120 / 90 mins
Offers a profound system of healing and consciousness expansion, it is a powerful means of personal development, transformation and preparation for Ascension. Angelic Reiki works with the highest energies of the Angelic Realm to bring about healing and balance on all levels to those receiving the healing energy.
$80 / 1 hr
Combining New & Full Moon manifesting with Reiki can be a powerful way to amplify your intentions and manifest your desires. During a New & Full Moon, the energy is especially conductive to setting intentions, therefore by integrating Reiki into your manifesting you will amplify the effect. In addition the Reiki energy will help you clear blockages, release any negative energy or limiting beliefs that may be delaying your manifestations and infuse your intentions with positive energy healing. The effectiveness of these practices may vary from person to person and it’s important to approach them with clear intention and with an open heart and mind. Whether you choose to combine New & Full Moon manifesting with Reiki or practice them separately, they can both serve as valuable tools for personal growth, connection to your higher self, healing, self love and Yin, Yang natural harmonizing balance.
Includes New & Full Moon Intentions
Reiki Unconditional Love Energy Healing
Chakra Activations to Encourage Dream Healing
Self Love Practices & Rituals
One Oracle Card Reading for One Month Guidance
Moon & Reiki Charged Water for Healing & Grounding
Book in advance to secure a session under the energy of the upcoming New or Full Moon, as the energy flow is potent for about three days before, on and three days after the Lunar Phase.
Kundalini Reiki is a powerful, intense, uplifting and grounding healing modality that assists us on all levels physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically and sexually. This includes healing past embodiments, karmic issues, DNA repair, birth trauma healing and location healing. Kundalini is the energy of higher consciousness and lies dormant at the base/root of our spine. Symbolically Kundalini is often represented as a female serpent, Divine Force (shakti), that lays coiled three in a half times at the base/root chakra of the spine, like a sleeping snake. Why a snake? Because they are powerful! After shedding their skin, they are figuratively reborn, just like we can feel after a Kundalini Awakening. In order for our Kundalini to Ascend safely, our chakras need to be unblocked and cleansed. Kundalini Energy is felt like heat or light flame rising from our base/root chakra that purifies all our chakras up through our crown chakra. Those who have experienced a Kundalini Awakening, including myself describe the experience as Being One with the Universe, “All That Is”! Kundalini acts as a catalyst and is an immortal bridge between the human body and the Universal Consciousness of GOD, where Oneness, Unconditional Love and Bliss is felt. With Awakening, Activation and Ascension of Kundalini from the root chakra to the crown chakra, we can experience the Divine Nature of the Universal Soul and we can easily recognize, perceive and conceive the Hidden Secrets of the Universe and Nature. We begin to see beyond the veils of illusion into what is real, truth and attaining Enlightenment. One will begin to recognize their True Authentic Higher Self, I Am Presence and their True Purpose in Life. Kundalini Awakening takes time and patience, especially when we choose to actively work on healing ourselves from within. Kundalini Reiki does not guarantee a Full Ascending of Kundalini Awakening, but does rather Strengthen All the Energy Channels in our Energy System, that Prepares Us for a Divinely Timed Full Kundalini Awakening. Reiki Energy Healing also helps to support those who have had a Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening and who are experiencing upheaval in their life. I help support them by grounding, aligning and balancing their energy system.
$80 / 1 hr
Chakras and Acupressure are two transcending ideas with historical origins. While chakras have their roots in Indian yogic tradition, acupressure has it’s roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to traditional Chinese medicine all people have meridians, which are similar to energy channels. It is believed that these channels are the conduits for the life-energy known as ”Chi.” We all require this Chi to sustain our Health and Wellbeing. The idea is similar to blood flowing through our circulatory system, but it focuses more on the flow of energy rather than a material substance. There are 12 main meridians in the body, each corresponding to a certain organ or group of organs, ensuring that the Chi reaches every area of the body. Acupressure points are specific places along these meridians (also known as acupoints). There are many thousands of acupressure points on the human body. They can be thought of as specific locations where Chi can be stimulated. According to the traditional Chinese medical belief, any pain, suffering or medical issues may be caused by Chi that is either interrupted or flowing incorrectly. By applying gentle but firm pressure to these points, we may aid in eliminating any obstructions and readjusting the energy flow, which will advance Health and Wellness. Each acupoint is connected to a specific bodily function. As a result, many therapies employ the strategy of activating these points.
A Chakra is a centre of energy, it interacts with various neurological and psychological processes in the body by acting as a vortex of rotating energy. Every bodily process from emotions to organ and immune system functions, is regulated by the Chakras. The human body has seven major Chakras.
The Root Chakra or Base
The Sacral Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Heart Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra or Brow
The Crown Chakra
Chakras rotate both clockwise and counterclockwise. It collects energy when it rotates in a clockwise manner, and it releases energy when it rotates in anticlockwise direction. It is very important to maintain equilibrium when the chakras open. A chakra can become problematic if it is blocked or overly open.
I FOCUS ONLY ON THE ACUPOINTS THAT ARE LINKED WITH THE CHAKRAS! Each chakra has a key point and two booster acupoints, (a total of 21 acupoints) to increase the efficiency of overall healing. I assist in clearing blockages and readjusting the energy flow by gentle firm pressure, stimulating these specific acupoints to balance the chakras for health benefits such as,
PHYSICAL HEALING ~ Physical healing and wellbeing can be facilitated by balancing and harmonizing the body’s energy centres.
RELEASE OF EMOTIONAL BLOCKAGES ~ It helps in the release of emotional blockages and to support harmony and balance in the emotional body.
STRESS REDUCTION AND RELAXATION ~ This healing technique helps lower stress levels and encourages relaxation and promotes better sleep.
INCREASED SPIRITUAL AWARENESS ~ Helps with spiritual development and raising awareness of one’s spiritual nature.
BOOSTS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM ~ Acupressure is believed to boost the immune system by assisting in the detoxification by allowing the lymphatic system to drain fluids that may be carrying cellular by-products and other wastes. Further, with better blood circulation, nutrients can reach the cells promptly where they can be used for the necessary metabolic functions that sustain life.
IMPROVES OVERALL WELLBEING ~ By removing obstruction and bringing harmony and balance into the body’s energy centres, we may enhance all aspects of wellbeing including physical, emotional and mental health.
open wounds, bruises, scar tissue, varicose veins and rash.
Pregnant women should be careful because pressure on some specific points may induce contractions.
Anybody who has been diagnosed with an underlying disease or condition such as, cancer and should consult with their doctor before undergoing acupressure.
It is not a desirable treatment for serious cardiac patients, especially those taking blood thinners, because a drop in blood pressure may cause severe problems.
If you have rheumatoid arthritis, spinal injury or some other bone disease that can worsen due to physical manipulation, you should avoid acupressure.
Acupressure treatment should be avoided after a meal, alcohol or narcotic consumption.
Although Acupressure is considered safe for most people, however side effects may include soreness, tenderness, dizziness, emotional release, low blood pressure, headaches, palpations, and in rare instances, nausea and / or vomiting.
The Chakra Acupressure Treatment comes with a 15 minute consultation, where you will fill out an intake form of your health history and some time for discussion. The Chakra Acupressure Session can last between 45 to 90 minutes, depending on your needs and preferences. I FOCUS ONLY ON THE ACUPOINTS THAT ARE LINKED TO THE SEVEN MAJOR CHAKRAS! Each chakra has a key point and two booster acupoints (a total of 21 acupoints), for a more harmonious way of healing as a whole. One example; If someone is working on opening their Heart Chakra for further emotional balance, forgiveness and openness, integrating acupressure points associated with the heart meridian may increase results. Points such as, Shenmen or Jing Well are commonly used in acupressure to calm the mind, body and spirit. This may provide an additional layer of balancing the heart chakra. I also use Ji Quan, a point that is not commonly used. It’s the entry point and the first point on the Heart Meridian, it’s where the journey of the heart begins the exchanges of Heaven and Earth. It’s how the spirit that resides in the heart guides the individual through life. I use gentle, but firm pressure and hold the acupressure and chakra points with the most highest vibration of love and compassion for a few moments. However, the pressure can be decreased or increased depending upon your specific needs and comfort preferences. Although Acupressure is considered generally safe for most people however, side effects may include soreness, tenderness, dizziness, emotional release, low blood pressure, headaches, palpitations, and in rare instances, nausea and / or vomiting. I may also add to the session candles, essential oils, crystals, etc... At the end of the session, I offer a glass of fresh water to assist in discarding the metabolic waste and toxins from your body and finish up with feedback and after care support.
90 / 1 hr
Acupressure Reiki is the same process and harmonized sequence of Chakra Acupressure, but without using the fingers to stimulate the acupoints. This process is best used for those who are uncomfortable with fingers pressing into their body. I only use my hands over or lightly on the body, sending Reiki into the specific acupoints and hold the space with the most highest vibration of love, compassion, intentions, visualization and intuition. This will act like thermodynamics and the energy will automatically go to where it is needed the most. ENERGY FLOWS TO WHERE ATTENTION GOES! This combined approach will not only enhance the benefits, but also offers a more Holistic Treatment that taps into multiple dimensions of Overall Health and Wellbeing.
$90 / 1 hr
This Stress Release Acupressure/Reiki technique is designed specifically to ease the stress levels and to support overall wellbeing. The specific acupoints used are chosen carefully for their multifunctional properties. This method uses the Heart Chakra and Heart Meridians of the body, the Heart Chakra is all about Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. Each point is accessed with a unique method of touch and in a particular sequence to facilitate an optimal deep, relaxing experience. This creates a state of calm that invites the individual to relax into themselves, find their breath, peace and stillness within their own body and space. During these stressful times, it is highly important that we support ourselves and our loved ones. Stress reduction results in easing our burdens and reminds our body how to relax. This deep state of relaxation can also support the optimal functioning of all systems, including the Immune System. The recipient of this Acupressure/Reiki technique, often report a sense of deep rest, calm and awareness of areas of tension and being able to let go and receive the support offered by restoring the balanced flow of energy to their body. This session is designed to flow gracefully from beginning to end, with the most highest loving and compassionate intentions of acknowledging and offering support to the Whole Being and not just the stressed and/or traumatized parts. There is deep healing wisdom in all of us, this Stress Release technique may be a simple respite from a stressful day for one person, while the same treatment may be a profound turning point in the healing journey for another person. The goal for this release is not to “fix or help”, but to offer the recipient support and the opportunity to come back to self.
$90 / 1 hr
People who have emotional outbursts. Emotions are the foundations in the experience of stress, such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, frustration, lack of control, confusion, overwhelm, trauma, fear, worry, shock, post traumatic stress disorder, forgetfulness, hopelessness, headaches, sleep issues, grief, pain or illness, etc… These are what individuals experience and dismiss this as “it’s just stress”.
Benefits include, relaxation, stress reduction, better at coping with stress and anxiety, pain relief, better sleep, increased vitality and energy, improved focus, concentration and awareness, sense of balance and grounded, support for a variety of health issues, personal transformation and overall wellbeing.
According to medical science, humans have two strands of DNA that are physical and the other ten strands of DNA are called “junk” DNA, which have been dormant since the beginning of recorded history.
DNA and chakra deactivation is removing / severing all DNA implants, inherited ancestral baggage, centuries old corrupted and distorted mind control, programs, belief systems, control grids, power, matrix programming, contracts, past lives, karma, repetitive negative thinking, mental health, unhealthy relationships, attachments, habits, patterns, addictions, inherited ancestral illnesses, sicknesses, diseases, all forms of abuse, trauma, heaviness, blockages, all dark entities such as (NAA, AI, Annunaki, Draconian, Fallen Angelics, etc…), all black magic including money systems, fear programming, death hormone implants, DNA altering, manipulation and acting out of drama from ego etc… from our DNA and chakras, that was designed to keep our consciousness vibrating low and preventing us from the Organic Ascension Process.
The DNA and chakra deactivation comes with many benefits and profound transformations, but also with many side effects during the detoxification process.
DNA and chakra activation is activating all dormant DNA strands to our original, organic 12 DNA strands and 12 chakras. This naturally gives you access to awakening your kundalini, higher consciousness and to all your God/dess given talents, gifts, skills, wisdom, insight, creativity, lightcodes, remembrance of who you truly are, soul purpose and abilities to their fullest potential. THIS IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT!
FIRST* We need to be Awake and Aware of all the illusions that have been playing in the 3D false matrix for centuries and we must deactivate from all of it!
We must energetically do our inner soulwork to unblock, clear and release these negative energies by sending out the highest vibrational intentions.
We must have unconditional love, compassion, patience, no judgments and forgiveness for ourselves and others.
Throughout the detoxification process, we must address what comes up the the surface for healing. Whatever comes up, acknowledge it, love it, thank it, forgive it and let it go!
We must face our fears head on such as, ego shadows, dark night of the soul and release the lower frequency energies from our first three chakras, the root, sacral and solar plexus that are connected and linked to earthly preoccupations etc…
I encourage getting support through family and friends who are on the spiritual path or are on the Ascending path that have already made this consciousness shift beforehand, who are still coexisting on the planet with many people that are still maintaining the lower frequencies of the 3rd dimension but who have skills, techniques and other ways to keep their consciousness high enough to stay in the Ascended State.
Connecting to Source, I Am Presence, Mother Earth & to your Cosmic Family, Reiki Energy Healing, Sound Healing, Inner Soulwork, Sacred Geometry, Meditations, High Vibrational Crystals & Music, Compassion, Kindness, Unconditional Love, Gratitude, Spiritual & Enlightened Books, Positivity, Self Love, Service to others, Schumann Resonance, Lightcodes, Waves, Influxes & Energies of Light all naturally Activate & Upgrade your DNA & Chakras!
I assist in boosting DNA & chakra deactivation during a reiki treatment, using high vibrational tools and techniques. I encourage to do inner soulwork healing and give your body the chance to clear old energies and the opportunity to reflect, rest and heal. If you have done lots of deep inner soul healing and have merged with your higher self, I Am Presence and know that you are a DIVINE MASTER on Earth and have a sense of WHOLENESS, you will be able to activate your 12/144 Strands of DNA Naturally! I encourage frequent reiki or self reiki healing treatments as reiki is really effective and supports the body throughout the side affects during the detoxification process. Reiki also helps to integrate all the Schumann lightcodes, waves, influxes and energies into our body more smoothly! Reiki supports us physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, energetically and spiritually for greater health and well-being.
Discover the incredible power of 528 hz ( mi) frequency. This is the miraculous frequency for transformation and DNA repair. The 528 hz is a DNA activation frequency that plays a role in the Ascension of humanity and in the expansion of consciousness. This is the exact frequency used by genetic engineers throughout the world to repair the blueprint of life and DNA, the body’s natural DNA healing codes and processes. These are the processes by which a cell identifies itself and corrects damage to its DNA molecules. 528 hz frequency assists in triggering the DNA and also helps the DNA to absorb more light, this helps to integrate the information that is coming from the Galactic Central Sun. These waves of energy (lightcodes) come through our sun (solar flares) onto the Earth and into our systems. The 528 hz is a very powerful frequency of transformation, this frequency activates and heals the DNA. This healing sound resonates with love, attracts miracles and positive energy, aligns to the new earth frequency and your highest potential.
Transformational Healing (miracles) of the Body and Mind.
Activates and Repairs DNA.
Activates Imagination, Intention and Gut Instincts.
Activates Intuition for the Highest Good.
Brings Positive Transformations, Enhances Emotional Wellbeing.
Promotes Inner Peace and Harmony.
Reduces Anxiety, Stress, Tension and Depression.
Reduces Negative Energy.
Stabilizes your Inner Love and Connects your Heart with Higher Self.
Stimulates Spiritual and Sound Healing.
Promotes Cellular Health, Spiritual Growth and Much More…
Sound Healing is the application of sound waves at different frequencies and are applied to or around a person’s body for attuning, activating, aligning, releasing, calming and overall wellbeing. Sound healing works by applying the harmonic frequencies that resonate with different parts of the body, bringing individuals back into balance. The sound waves can be applied through a multitude of different instruments and tools that create varying high and low frequency sound waves. When the sound waves intercepts with the clients energy fields, chakras and body organs, the body has the capacity to match that tone and attune itself to its original state of wellness and optimum functionality.
Tuning fork therapy is a gentle acoustic therapy that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks to re-tune us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. A tuning fork is an instrument designed to precisely emit a single frequency or a pure sound. The pure sound produced will help the body to locate and recognize discordant areas and self correct to that pure toned frequency. This session involves the use of weighted forks and non-weighted tuning forks. The weighted forks are applied on the body to open, flush and balance the main meridian lines and to stimulate other energetic points throughout the body. The non-weighted forks are used around the body to comb through and smooth out any congestion within the auric field. This session works with the chakra system as well, by working with the chakra points, we are able to identify issues within them and move the energy back to the midline for clearing. This session is great if you are experiencing pain or inflammation, arthritis, tendinitis, migraines, depression, insomnia, PTSD, phobias, childhood or adult trauma, chronic fatigue, stress, anxiety, worry, grief and much more. The goal of this session is to transform disruptive energy into harmonious energy and assist the body in letting go of the physical and emotional stresses that it has accumulated over past and present lifetimes and to alleviate physical, mental and emotional distress. This method is useful for a wide range of individual needs and is cumulative in its results. While benefits can emerge after only one session, multiple sessions (usually 3-5) can have a profound impact on overall health and wellness.
Promotes Relaxation
Reduces Stress, Tension and Depression
Promotes Emotional and Energetic Balance
Reduces Pain and Inflammation
Promotes Organ Activation and Repair
Joint Healing Activation
Releases Emotional and Physical Blocks
Improves Sleeping
Reduces Insomnia
Promotes Personal Spiritual Growth
Heightens Awareness
Balances the Chakra System and Much More…
There are many health benefits of using tuning forks. These include:
It stimulates the cells to produce nitric oxide. When sound frequencies do this, it benefits the body by enlarging the blood vessels. This means that it increases blood flow. In addition, it enables cells of the body to work better, which also has a positive effect on blood pressure.
By calming you down, inflammation in the body is lowered, in addition, vibrations can lower heart rate and brain wave patterns, thus helping you to relax. This in turn, can provide an alternative treatment conditions such as, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and sleep disorders.
Sound Therapy can also help to relieve pain. Some studies, have suggested that tuning forks, in particular, can relieve bone, joint and muscle pain.
Weighted Tuning Forks are used primarily on the physical body, whereas the Chakra Tuning Forks are designed for our etheric and spiritual bodies, the Weighted Tuning Forks are used on the physical body and the soothing vibrations from the forks penetrate layers of muscle to help reduce inflammation and pain.
After a session with Weighted Tuning Forks, your muscles feel loose and relaxed, not to mention your State of Mind! Weighted tuning Forks are amazing to ease the symptoms of arthritis, tendinitis, headaches, muscle tension and many other physical discomforts.
*Initial sessions are often 90 minutes. Sessions may be shortened to 30 minutes for particularly sensitive individuals and/or children.
You are pregnant or trying to conceive.
Have any metal plates or pins.
Have stints, a pacemaker or other electrical magnetic implants.
*Also not recommended for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or other aggressive cancer treatments. Please consider an alternative healing modality.*
”Everything is Energy and that is all there is to it. Match the Frequency of the Reality you want, and you cannot help but get that Reality.”
Albert Einstein
”If you want to find the Secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration.”
Nicola Tesla
is a technique that uses crystals (as conduits for healing) and stones that improves ailments and protects against diseases. Allowing positive healing energy to flow into the body while the negative energy flows out.
$80 / 1 hr ~ $120 / 90 mins.
Ear Candling is an ancient traditional holistic therapy dated as far back as 2500 B.C. and is used by healers from all over the world for spiritual healing. This ancient technique was passed down to me by my Grandmother, who was born and raised in Napoli, Italy. My Grandmother handcrafted all her candles with pure natural ingredients and often performed this technique for our immediate family. Ear Candling is a natural, gentle, non intrusive procedure that is very relaxing, as the heat from the flame creates warmth and feels very comforting. One of the primary functions of ear candling is to stimulate the body’s energy, which they do very effectively and powerfully. The greatest advantage from the candles, are that they work on the immune system. The debris is carried along a network of capillaries by a fluid called lymph, it is then filtered through the lymphatic ganglions that are found all over the body, this prevents us from falling ill. It flows through the capillaries in the very same way as blood flows through our veins, but as the lymphatic system has no pumping mechanism to allow it to circulate, it relies on the movement of muscles to create peristalsis that moves it around. The entire body receives a boost from ear candling, because it enhances energy naturally, affects the functioning of the lymphatic system, acupressure points that are found all over the body are also stimulated in the area of the ear by the candle treatment. The root chakra has been shown to react very quickly and positively to ear candling as the strength and power is gained, from here more energy circulates up along the spine spreading out into all the tissues of the body. The energy, (our life force) of this rising motion travels into the brain area, stimulates key areas and then opens and strengthens the crown chakra. The free flow of (life energy) is increased as a result of ear candling, unblocking, clearing and strengthening all aspects of the chakras, meridians and aura. The entire energy field is much more improved in its capacity to distribute life force energy into every cell in the body. Cells that are in a condition of poor health will greatly rely on the powerful process of this life force energy to be able to regain health.
~ Reducing stress and anxiety
~ Improves hearing
~ Releases pressure
~ Relieves headaches, migraines and tension
~ Reduces vertigo and dizziness
~ Excessive of compacted wax in the ears
~ Ears, nose and throat issues
~ Sinus problems
~ Ear infections, allergies and hay fever
~ Improves taste and smell
~ Tinnitus
~ Physical fatigue
~ Adjuvants in vaccines
~ Candida
~ Insomnia and sleep apnea
~ Swimming and diving (water lodged in the ears)
~ Skin disorders
~ Painful periods
~ Flying (pressure drops)
~ Constipation and hemorrhoids
~ Age related deafness
~ Purifies the blood
~ Treats colds and flus
~ Improves mental clarity
~ Removes toxins and old stagnant energies
~ Stimulates the lymphatic system and metabolism
~ Restores the balance between the mind, body
and spirit
~ Reduces pain related to jaw aches and
temporomandibular disorders
~ Stimulates the blood flow throughout the face and
brain, also throughout the body and much more.
* Infection or inflammation of the ears
* Perforation of the eardrums
* Grommets (tympanostomy), drains of ventilation
tubes fitted
* Surgery on the ears within the last 3 months
* Bleeding and draining of fluids from the ears
* A recent injury to the head or neck
* Allergy to the contents of the candles
* Children under 12 months of age
* Cochlear implants
* Eczema in the outer ear area
* Under the influence of recreational drugs and
* It is not advisable where there is any kind of
infection or irritation, high temperatures, fever,
swelling or inflammation, flu, severe bruising, any
skin disorders in the areas to be massaged,
recent injuries or surgeries to the head, and any
previous allergic reactions.
* I use ear candles that are handcrafted from pure
natural beeswax and with the finest raw cotton. I
also use ear candles that contain herbs and
* Beeswax has a high melting point and burns
slowly. Raw cotton is free from chemicals.
The session will begin with a consultation to ensure that the treatment is appropriate for you, then you will fill out a client intake form. When ready, you will lye on your side or back, whichever you prefer, covered with a light blanket and with a pillow supporting your head. When comfortable and relaxed, the candle is placed gently but firmly over the entrance to the auditory canal, then the candle is lit with a lighter and held safely in position throughout the treatment. The procedure takes 10 to 15 minutes for each ear, during the treatment you may experience a crackling sound as the candle burns down slowly and possibly some popping sensations from the ear. This is very relaxing and comforting, as you may feel a gentle massaging sensation to the ear drum and some heat as the candle burns lower. When the candle has burned down to an inch or so from the end, the candle is carefully removed from the ear and distinguished in water. The entire process is then repeated on the other ear. Once the treatment is completed, I gently massage behind and around the ears with pure essential lavender scented cream. You will be kept warm with a blanket and encouraged to rest for 15 minutes, this is when I preform 25 minutes of reiki. When the treatment is ended and the client is up, I offer blessed reiki water to drink for grounding. During feedback, I offer ear candling after care advice and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Body Candling is candling elsewhere on the body rather than just the ears. Body candling can indeed offer a boost targeting the area that most needs the energy. The client remains fully clothed on the treatment table while a candle is placed gently and safely over the area to be treated. The energy from the warmth of the candle will penetrate quickly to the root of the problem. Before candling on any part of the body that is causing pain or discomfort, the ears are to be candled first as this will lead to a better result. This has been found to be extremely effective!
Reiki is absolutely the safest healing method for children! It is non invasive, causes no harm and compliments other treatments. Reiki is soothing, relaxing and calming, keeps Children healthy and less prone to imbalances, helps to jump start the child’s self healing process, helps to give Children a way to deal with the stresses of growing up. Helps to ease body pain, muscle aches and discomfort in children who participate in competitive dance and sports. Enhances calmness and promotes a feeling of inner peace, relieves stress, anxiety, phobias, fears and nightmares. Improves and enhances relaxation and sleep, improves focus and concentration. Children who have been diagnosed with ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD, Attention Hyperactivity Disorder or Autism. Children with OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and ODD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Children with behavioural issues. Also assists and balances children who are experiencing Ascension Symptoms.
$60 / Infant to 12 yrs
$70 / 13 to 17 yrs
is for Mother’s and unborn Baby to increase relaxation, calms and soothes stress, tension, decreases physical pain and other symptoms associated with pregnancy. Promotes healthy bond with baby.
$80 / 1 hr
Allow all children to feel safe to express themselves, of their pain and emotions.
Allow them to feel safe to talk about Angels, Fairies, higher Vibrational Beings etc…that they may see or hear. Please don’t go into fear or worry yourself about it, that will only shut them down. It’s natural and our birthright for all children and all of us to experience these things and when they talk about it, they may trigger your own psychic and unconscious memories and can connect you to open your heart based consciousness as well.
Listen and trust your children when they say something doesn’t feel right, they have so much insight, wisdom and knowledge about a topic or things you know that they haven’t learned at school or at home.
Sage your children, yourselves, your home and your environment frequently, to clear any stagnant negative energies that linger around. Crystals and candles around your environment keep the frequency and vibrations high, but please be attentive when using candles and having smaller crystals around your children.
Allow your children to talk about their past lives if they have memories of them, their memories are the strongest till about seven years old and their memories are fascinating!
Introduce them to meditation to help calm, centre and soothe them before bedtime. This will support their mind, body, spirit and soul.
Listen to their advice, they have the ability to channel Universal Knowledge. Children have a open channel that they download and usually they will channel something for your benefit, rather then their own.
Bring nature indoors, make sure to stock your home with lots of beautiful plants, rocks, crystals, waterfalls, aquariums or have them outside to connect with nature frequently.
Keep a room or space in your home that is quiet and free from electrical equipment. This is a room for them to just be who they are, let them read, do artwork, puzzles, lego, listen to calming music or meditation.
Give your children nightly sea salt baths, as this naturally pulls toxins from the physical body and clears negative energies from the energetic body.
Give your children plenty clean purified water, healthier food choices and regular exercise or a stroll outdoors.
Keep your environment clean and tidy, clear away any artificial scents from your environment. Play soft relaxing music like dolphin or Angelic music played low in the background.
Allow them to experience their own life path and passions. They will find their own path to their destiny and purpose. Remember that they find a passion for their own life, not yours. THERE HAS BEEN AN INTERESTING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHILDREN AND REIKI ENERGY HEALING. Reiki has been helpful in treating all Children and their families as well, Reiki helps to make better choices as a family and creates more balance for children, especially with the corruption that is happening on our Earth Plane at this time. Reiki can be of benefit, to all regardless of types of disorders and can provide soothing moments for the parents and children alike. Reiki is excellent for releasing anything you or your children may be holding unintentionally, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Reiki will support all to heal their own past lives and childhood pain and trauma, healing, balancing, rejuvenating and empowering all of us!
Ascended Masters are our spiritual teachers here to guide us and help us to understand our purpose in life. Ascended Masters lived here on Earth just like us as humans and by certain spiritual growth abilities they have reached Ascension and transcended the reincarnation cycle. Ascended Masters are at service for humanity, to help support us and the planet in our personal Awakening transformation towards the Ascension process. We are all connected to one or more Ascended Masters, which can be triggered or remembered during a healing session. Archangels are extraordinary Beings, extensions of GOD who personify his power, majesty and grace. All Archangels are healers, they come in as master surgeons to repair our bodies and also mend the garments of our souls. Archangels are Illuminated Spiritual Beings, who vibrate with a powerful light and frequency. Archangels serve according to Divine Will and Order within the Heavens and on Earth, and their mission mostly interface with helping humanity. Archangels offer their love, guidance and support, whenever we ask, but will not interfere without our permission. Galactic Healers are Beings of many diverse physical and non physical races, living within higher dimensions of light. Galactic Beings are interacting with us to assist in our personal process of Awakening towards Ascension, Galactic Beings are members of our Cosmic Family from our past and our future who assist us all in raising our consciousness and dismantling from the realms of illusion, which have kept us limited for eons of time. Our Cosmic Family have immense love for us and encourage us to remember our Divine Origins and to take our power back as we transcend through these transformational times. Our Cosmic Family want us to know that we have deep rooted family ties to many Star and Extraterrestrial races in the Cosmos and that we are not alone. As we start to Awaken, we will remember and open the knowledge of our oneness with all that is and we will greet each other again as family and a joyful reunion will re-emerge.
Multi-dimensional Healing is about restoring all the many different aspects of ourself back to wholeness. This includes the clearing of negative distortions we have been collecting and carrying from all our past lives and dimensions. This method of healing also clears negative energy carried in our multi-dimensional DNA, that comes from our Ancestral lineage and from the collective. Multi-dimensional healing can assist us in utilizing high vibrational frequency, that will penetrate at the deepest layers of our body. When we free up more space within our energy field by releasing old structures, karmic patterns, contracts, matrix programs, trauma etc, that have been stored deep within our DNA and cellular memory we anchor in so much more light and higher frequency into our being. This painful task of shedding and breaking out of our illusion creates rapid transformation, expanded consciousness, personal and spiritual growth and accelerates change to assist you with your Ascension process. Multi-dimensional healing will not only assist you to heal and resolve issues you have been carrying lifetime after lifetime, but will also assist you to realign with your multi-dimensional nature and true souls purpose in life.
LENA AT 416 347-0535 OR EMAIL ME
Lena ~ Reiki Master ~ Lightworker 44 ~
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